Frank Schaefer Jr. I first met him on the Rachel Maddow show earlier this year, one mid winter night. And do you know what, I’m glad and I feel privileged that I did, and the sooner you know him and the ‘others’ too. Anyways, Rachel introduced Mr. Schaefer Frank Jr., author/film writer/producer, to America and me that night, those who were listening. The Reverend Al Sharpton also re-introduced him to us a second time on another occasion through his medium, sometime later. And, I felt compelled to send a tweet to Rev. Al during his show and I did. I tweeted him my feeling of being offended by the nice treatment Frank Jr., was shown by the Rev. Al. My tweet to the Rev.: U should have read the book first! Perhaps Rev. Al had read “Crazy For God”, but to me, his interview with Mr. Schaefer Jr. surely didn’t reflect that he had. He is, Frank Jr., responsible for bring us productions such as: “How Should We Then Live”, “Whatever Happened to the Human Race”, “Portofino”, and “Third Rock From The Sun”, among a number of recognizable productions! And, it is he who was hell bent on reversing Roe v Wade. Keep this in mind. Again, who, where, when, what, how, and why are they so Selfish and Negative thinkers who are hell bent on destroying America and its people?
THE TEA PARTY, if it started in America is questionable because Frank Sr. was American born. Nonetheless, from Switzerland it was, that Frank Sr. and Frank Jr. operated their home based business-religious operations and community, and it is from Switzerland, that the Right Wing thread of the Republican Party, known as the TEA PARTY rose to power and in effect, took over the U. S. Republican Party. Their mission to take their country back is reflected in bills they’ve passed since they’ve been in power, for example, first mission: reverse 1973 Roe Vs Wade, almost done. Second mission: dismantle the United States government by down sizing government via cutting or ending entitlement programs such as: social security and food stamps, Medicare and education all in the name and need of austerity which to me is another form of the Negative Use of Energy. Destruction of American Unions for example, is another tactic used by Tea Party Corporate America to target and destroy Middle Class America as we know it and they doing it through our political system when their elected politicians vote for and pass so called right to work laws which weakens our middle classes financial power. As a result of their abuse of Religion the powers that be, (Church Leaders and Corporate Christians) I, believe, unsuspecting good Christians, in America and around the world, have been hoodwinked by them. And, in Frank Jr.’s own words, L’Abri clones “were led to believe …, America has lost its moral way and that as “the worse everything got, the more it proved that America needed saving, by [them]!”, and the rest is history. (299)
According to Frank Jr., his father realized the imminent takeover of the Evangelical Christian crusade, which was to save Western morals. And, at some point, Christian Leaders and Corporate leaders gained control of their religious community. Frank said his father spoke of them (the far right Tea Party leaders) like this, “[they’re “idiots….,.” “…, they’re plastic, way too right-wing, really nuts! And, according to Frank Jr., his father told him, that “they’re using our issue to build their empires.”(300) How did they do it, the abortion issue, that’s how they did it and they are able to get away with it because evangelicals and other Christian individuals rely upon someone else’s interpretation of What God said via Frank Schaeffer Sr.’s interpretation of the Bible and how he and others believe what way we should behave when it comes to sex, abortion and, the list is too long for a Party who shouts for small government! The Schaeffer’s and their followers have a background and I shall try to summarize it to the best of my ability, because I believe it’s important and you should know it.
As briefly as I can summarize, the Schaeffer’s were Calvinist fundamentalist Protestant Christians, at first, who lived in America during, 1940s. Frank Sr. and his wife Edith who was Chinese born was a devout Fundamentalist Evangelical. That’s where it came from the mother, that hard right fundamentalism mentality. The Schaeffer’s were missionaries who left America as the result of a split in the church between the Sr. and a Liberal church leader who didn’t interpret the bible literally, the way Frank Sr. did.
Now, according to Frank Jr., Fundamentalist, interpret THE BIBLE LITERALLY. Err go Science, education, financial security, if you don’t already have it, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. “Fundamentalists never can just disagree. The person they fall out with is not only on the wrong side of an issue [abortion in America’s instance] they are on the wrong side of God.” And, “A church split builds self-righteousness into the fabric of every new splinter group, whose only reason for existence is that they decide they are more moral and pure than their brethren.”(30) What spells disaster, anywhere better than a holier than thou mentality? What has caused America to divide further racially, religiously, financially and politically, and what makes the Tea Partiers scream from their high places that “they want to take [their] country back[?]”(262) That Tea Party holier than thou mentality and the “We Schaeffer’s never compromise[d] [ideology].”(31) That Tea Party‘s more moral and purer than us ideology and that, we won’t compromise mentality underlie America’s, Political and Spiritual civil war against itself. And, you can interpret that literally. The Tea Party attitude, to me, is an example of the use of Negative Force which they use in an attempt to place their will upon ‘others’. They have in America created, as a result, a war against Women, African Americans and Gays, Hispanics, Muslims, and just ‘Others’ who don’t believe their Evangelical/Christian way of interpreting life via the Bible, and, to me that exemplifies the practice of the LAW of group SELFISHNESS, which is also a Negative use of Energy. Think about it for a moment. Even where science has proven the that Bible can’t be taken literally in any physical sense of the word, they the Evangelicals want us to ignore scientific facts and, believe, in some cases the impossible where it relates to the bible and religion. For example, Christians, and I do believe in a Higher Power by the way, believe that the Heavens and Earth were literally created in seven days. While, science, on the other hand, has proven that the Earth is over a billions of years olds. Seven day creationist, on the other hand, Christians, in other words, would we believe their literal seven day creation story. To do that to me would be to believe that the world is still flat and without science and exploration, I suppose we’d still be thinking that ludicrous way, now that we know better we think better. They insist on rejecting anything that doesn’t fit their, my way or the highway mentality and their, in my opinion, misinterpretation of God’s word. Sound familiar in Congress?
The “Jesus Movement”, in any event, occurred during the hippie era in the 1960’s, which was a time when Church leaders feared America was loosing it’s moral way and it was led by Frank Sr. and his son Frank Jr., in the beginning. But, the Tea Party and, their corporate backers rose to power and they, in my view, place America and American democracy at stake if they remain in power. When and where did the far right build their power, L’Abri, Switzerland?
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Edith and Frank Sr at L'Abri |
They published Evangelical Christian books with the assistance of wealthy religious book and religious magazine publishers and film and media Christian Production corporations, (Gospel Films, Newsweek, National Religious Broadcasters, Drudge Report, etc..,). Both of his parents and he used those mediums to interpret the Bible and tell the “Jesus” story, they became famous as a result. Frank Jr., said that there was a period when, “there were a host of Schaeffer clones who were starting to get into the be-cool-for-Jesus business too. L’Abri workers learned their I-can explain-everything-to modern-people strategies for evangelical intellectual renewal while sitting at [his] Dad’s feet.”(213) Fox News Anchors and their talking heads have been visitors or students of this Christian school of thought, I surmise, and am willing to place a ten thousand dollar bet on that.
Think about it. Tea Party politicians and their Christian Evangelical congregation which constitutes a large part of their voting block, along with their corporate friends (Wall Street and Bankers, Employers) and conservative media talking heads who use the Schaeffer, I can always explain away anything and everything mentality almost always make them appear to me a-Gods which is a strange paradox, you think. The Tea Party no compromise with the evil opponent mentalities. Who are their enemy: the Middle way of living class who live-not too poor or too rich who like me understand, that Corporations and Small Businesses didn’t build their wealth by themselves. Who shall build the roads, not government, said the Tea Party. Who shall help maintain the roads, not the government, said the Tea Party. Who shall pay for the roads that lead all Americans to the road of success or failure, not the government said the Tea Party. Who shall use all things government, I will, I will, will said the Tea Partiers. Americans now suffer worst than ever, in my lifetime, while, the Tea Party persists as it pursues to destroy America. They are the do nothing Tea Party Congress because they just don’t do anything, but they still get paid.
America’s infrastructure is another area where the Tea Party’s need to destroy America is exemplified. For instance, roads and bridges, underground wiring and pipelines are in need of major repairs and Democrats and citizens alike know it and want the improvements to happen. However, the Tea Party and their supporters say austerity is the way for America. Consequently, they have blocked every attempt made by Democrats to make the needed infrastructure improvements so desperately needed, while at the same time, they prevent desperately needed jobs which would Move our Economy Forward. The Tea Party, in any event, is on another mission: destroy our schools.
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Frank Jr & Frank Sr |
A large section of the country has been infected by that no compromise kill the enemy mentality which has affected the very Middle living who are lead by and they do follow Evangelical leaders whose a-Godly behavior, in my opinion, and according to Frank Jr., “There were three kinds of evangelical leaders, “The dumb or idealistic ones who really believed. The out-and-out charlatans. And the smart ones who still believed-sort-of-but-knew that the evangelical world was shit, but who couldn’t figure out any way to earn as good a living anywhere else. That’s how the elite do it, through religion i.e., Biblical Interpretation. L’Abri “students”, having been and are being trained as the Mission has Not Completed, to think, “…, it is about being better than one’s evil opponent. We don’t just disagree, we demonize the “other.”(31) Who really divides our nation? Frank Jr., said because “A church split builds self-righteousness into the fabric of every new splinter group, whose only reason for existence is that they decide they are more moral and pure than their brethren.”, to me explains, the mean spirited Republican Tea Party never compromise ideology. (30) Nevertheless, it was the 1973, Roe Vs Wade Supreme Court decision that infuriated the Jr., who had polio as a child who’d also made a baby when he was under aged, feared what could have happened to him or his child had been abortion been the law. When abortion was legalized, in his own words, “it was my absolutist …, pro-life cause [that] goaded [my] father into taking political positions far more extreme than came naturally to him.” (265) The Roe v Wade decision, nevertheless, gave energy to the Schaeffer’s “Jesus Movement” and, at the same time, it provided the financial backing needed by Frank Jr. to propel his film/writing and producing career and for the intent of furthering the Christian Plan, saving an a-moral America. They needed money.
Frank Jr., said when he began raising money to produce films to further the evangelical cause “At first [he] was nervous. But [he said he] soon got used to telling wealthy evangelicals that it was time to “take our country back.” I would fly from Switzerland to Chicago, then to Muskegon…, fundraising.” Then I’d hit the road and crisscross the country asking for money.” “Billy…, sent me out on a series of trips to see “the money.” According to Frank Jr. he was trained by Billy Zeoli who was the best when it came to raising money the rich corporate types. For example, he was told by Billy, “With Rich DeVos, (he Father of the TEA PARTY-Muskegon MI) the tactic was different. “Talk to Rich about saving capitalism!” he said Billy would say. “Tell him your Dad is standing up to the socialists!” Do not talk about art!” “With the “Hunt boys,” …, [oil tycoons out of Texas], “Don’t talk too fast! Do not mention the word intellectual. Stick to the simple Gospel…,.” (262) Rich DeVos, is Amway President Headquartered in MUSKEGON, MI!!!! Frank said, he…,”was running all over America talking to [rich] people (possible formation of ALEC-See names AmyWay’s founder and president Rich DeVos Grand Rapid, MI, Mary Crowley). What was he talking to them about, the “… legalization of abortion…,” which was the focus in his film presentations “How Should We Then Live”, in which “abortion was presented as the prime example of the erosion of the values that had once made the West great.”(261) I suggest reading the book by those who not only love this country but love themselves and their fellow Human Beings, it is so crucial. If you don’t like to read I’ll make you a tape of the book so that you can listen to it for a small price of course LOL. They, The New Republicans, in my opinion, use a negative destructive thought process intentionally or unintentionally, and, as a result, Negativity Manifest in the Soul of the 21st Century Right Wing Republican Christian Evangelical Tea Party. They are Black, White, Oriental and Indians and that’s why it is Important that you not take this writing as an assault on Race or Religion. I have much Compassion for them the Evangelicals, in any event, because to me, their Minds have been imprisoned by Negativity and the Past and manifest itself in statements like those made in the book where Frank Jr. shares the Movements Political and Religious contempt for the …,”bourgeois”…, “plastic Christians” and the “generation gap.” (208) Contempt for Middle Class America, and I must suspect that that contempt includes the European-MIDDLE CLASS as well. Right now, Right Now, both America and Europe enjoy parallel financial difficulties and both have been threatened with the fear of loosing the Middle Class and their Moral standing in the World, according to the New Republican Evangelical Religious Christian Right Tea Party Politicians. In any event, you must understand that this moment and time is not, I REPEAT, THIS NOT ABOUT RACE because there are many Nationalities within the TEA PARTY, who are followers or workers (at L’Abri in Switzerland-Michelle Bachman claimed her Swiss citizenship just this year remember, see important list of other L’Abri visitors that reach far into our government-John McCain/Sarah Palin) as they are referred to and they are in our government. Something sinister other than Race relations is going on in our country, I believe. The Evangelical Religious Right Tea Partiers want to force their religious beliefs upon others as was done during the slave and indentured slavery period or during the Middle Age period where the Serfs ruled the Peasant class in Europe. Is it President Barak Obama’s plan for America the one we must follow, which moves us forward into the Future. His plan will be difficult, but no pain, no gain. Re-building our infrastructure, training our citizens with new skills, investing in our children, their future and schools, science and technology? Or, is it the TEA PARTY Republicans plan we Americans follow which, appears to me, to move us backward while they claim moving backward will move us forward. Sound illogical? Sure it does. But, the Tea Partiers want to take America back to the time, according to Frank Jr., of “The-Theonomist otherwise known as Dominionists; in other words people who believed in taking “dominon” over society and the world in the name of Jesus-believed in restoring American law to its strictest Puritan origins. They wanted to make America into a modern day Calvin’s Reformation Geneva.”(333) A, to me this and other statements made in the book by a man who would know, tells me lot. Must we Go Backwards using out dated economic and religious models that only benefit the Dominion to go Forwards? Where the Tea Party Republicans control power, they have used different economic “dominion” models on the U.S. and its populace. On the one hand, for example, you could be a slave living in the City of Detroit, while, on another hand, you could live as an indentured servant in the suburbs or you or we might all, in America or Europe for that matter fall under a serfdom model. Mayor Blumberg of New York, recently proclaimed that he’d love to be the world Mayor, remember? I wonder where that idea came from. He was not long ago conferring with City of Detroit “Handlers” and “Organizers” as I call them, about the best “dominion” model to use on the citizens and the City of Detroit for the purpose of Tea Party dominion over them. The Slave Dominion model, nevertheless, is currently being tried but it is not proven because the people are not all asleep at the political wheel. Public Act 4, for example, strips all local governments and its citizens of their local and states Constitutional Rights upon being placed under the Act. And, when a financial manager takes “dominion” over your municipality it goes into State receivership-bankruptcy which means you don’t know how to manage your budget and that calls for austerity you little children. That Legislation was written passed and signed into law and tested in 2010, by the Republican Tea Party, a law which the people will decide by ballot if it should stand or not, this fall. Currently, the Republicans have only used the law on Majority Black Cities in the state. Again, race should not be your concern because any city can be placed in the Overton Window just as other groups have already been, i.e., the gays, war on women, Race Does Not Matter!!! MI-Public Act 4, if it stands, will be used I believe, to end Democracy in America as we know it, and possibly around the world if it works on the citizens in The City of Detroit. Just something to think about, isn’t it. The issue is not about race and I’m starting to believe it’s not about Religion it’s about Dominion over some one else, I guess you and me, who do they think they are. Another model, currently being tested, in my view, is the Crush the Middle Living, quick fast and in a hurry model which is what I call the set up for Serfdom.
The Union Busting Model has a greater meaning to me. Tea Party Republicans use union busting techniques to lower American wages which will result in a lower standard of living which happens now. The fear of losing your job and not finding another one is a virtual nightmare for most Americans because American jobs are being exported, exploited, deported and out- sourced to ‘other’ countries. In turn, people can’t pay their bills causing foreclosures and evictions which are abound in America. Homes, therefore, go back to the banks, mortgage companies or others due to an inability to pay, and, as homes that are destroyed as a result of vandalism land causing land in cities to lay desolate until cleared and on a large scale. This attempt to destroy American Unions causes me to believe, that a Serfdom Model appears to be coming to a City, a State and possibly the Federal Government near you soon if race rather than issues are on the forefront of the minds of Americans when the vote for the President who is Black, we’re in trouble as a Nation. The Serfdom Model.
The Serfdom Model could very well be in the making. Land Preparation for farming purposes, for instance, is currently under way in the City of Detroit, for example, and it may be coming to a city near you soon too. Who do you think will own the land, who do you think will work the land under that kind of model? If you want to know the “whose”, where’s, when’s, what’s and how’s, the why’s about how the of Rise of the EVANGELICAL Christian Right to Political Power in America and how it manifest itself through the TEA PARTY, it’s all in the book. I am not trying to sell the book, in fact, buy one book share the information with thousands, one book that is what I now attempt to do. They, the rich, in and outside of America have hoodwinked unsuspecting Christians in America and around the world, in the name of “Jesus” by multimillion dollar backers like the Amway Corporation and its far-right founder-capitalist-guru, rich De-Vos, who Frank Jr. said was about as slick and worldly and far away from the L’Abri way as possible. But he along with other multimillion dollar backers, Corporations and Job Creators, used the Schaeffer’s (greed) and religious community to take over political control in America. And, Frank Jr. said they could, as a result of the pro-life protest in America. He said, thousands of crisis centers were opened in America by 2007, and a variety of people joined. Frank said, for example, that former Democratic Roman Catholics and Hispanic Pentecostals joined the Republican Party. These centers galvanized the Evangelicals and the centers became organizing apolitical action centers. “The centers [were] also [in my opinion used to fool Blacks] brought black churches (which were often liberal on other issues) into close contact with culturally conservative white evangelicals and became places where local Republican action committees informally organized. Now, because I’m a Detroiter who has observed what appears to me a strange manifested behavior by so called Black Religious Leaders, who should be ashamed of themselves for selling their parishioners out and their Souls all in the name of Evangelic Jesus teachings. And, in my experience, it’s going to be difficult taking their veils off. And, I suppose I can speak for other African Americans in other Black Communities in this country, because I know they’ve seen strange behavior pastoral behavior too!!! All of a sudden, Black ministers are listening to and taking money from Republican Administrations. In my community recently, for example, black ministers and city leaders broke bread and planted flowers together in the poor neighborhoods recently. When Republicans want the Black Community to act a certain way, they always use black ministers. Black Ministers feel important I suppose when they’re included in the discussion white Ministers and politicians have you know the black discussion thing I guess. Our government, nevertheless, via the Republicans have used groups of people as stool pigeons for the purpose of “taking their country back” and now they want to throw those good Christians under the bus, i.e. Voter Suppression Laws and Public Acts, for instance, in my mind, are part of the Tea Party mission which has been said lives and breaths the purpose of the mission; destroy American democracy as we know it, with their: ANTI-AFRICAN AMERICAN and ANTI-WOMAN, ANTI-GAY, ANTI-HISPANIC, ANTI-MUSLIM, ANTI –POOR WHITE, ANTI-SELF, ANTI-YOU, ANTI-ME----. Again, I’ll ask, when did America stop loving itself, I no it never loved my Dark Skin!!! But, when did America stop loving itself? The answer: when “we were calling for civil disobedience, the takeover of the Republican Party, and even hinting at over throwing our “unjust pro-abortion government”, Frank Schaefer Jr. (293) I say, that’s when. For my writings could, right here, right now, change course again, for the purpose of assisting my fellow men, women, and children like me to Rise Up and Lift Our Thoughts, better now than later. We Must Change Our Mental Station to a Higher Frequency. And, I know how to help others change their Thought Frequency when we are ready to evolve to a Higher Mental frequency. Finally, the Republicans must, nevertheless, be shown Compassion because, “If things had fallen out slightly differently, the crisis centers just as easily could have been bastions of the Democratic Party, or at least nonpolitical.”(290) Remember, It ain’t about RACE.
Mrs Anonymous
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