Friday, April 27, 2012

Apr 29: Inter Occupy Summit, Detroit

Regional Occupy Conference

Runs from 3:30pm - 9:00pm. Come out and meet those interested in and involved in activist movement around the region.

Guest speakers

  • 4pm  John Bollenger, Enbridge Fracking Whistle Blower
  • 5pm  Victor "Can Do" Houston, Original Black Panther Party
    Speaking about Activism and Fundraising
  • 6pm Join the Stop the Violence March being assembled and promoted by Detroit Southwest Pride, Detroit Coalition Against Violence, Detroit 300, United Communities of America, Inside Southwest and other organizations. Assembles 6pm at Patton Park and marches down Vernor to Clark Park. Please wear a white shirt and carry a picture of a loved one whom has been victim to violence in our community. [Facebook event posting]
    There have been 274 reported rapes in Detroit from January 1 to April 25, 2012 (source: Michigan Detroit Crime)
  • 6pm Discussion of the Emergency Manager situation in Michigan
  • 7pm Regional General Assembly

This is a Pot luck community event ...please bring a dish!
Location: 5900 Activist Center, 5900 Michigan Ave, Detroit MI 48210

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