Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Council Of Baptists Pastors Supports Consent Agreement

Rev. Dr. Michael Andrew Owens, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, East and President of Detroit's Council Of Baptists Pastors speaking at public comment indicated the group approves of the consent plan.
"We believe an agreement and action plan needs to be crafted and approved that restructures city government and establishes fiscal accountability," Owens said.
"Inasmuch as an agreement we have reviewed and its final analysis still allows elected officials to be involved in the process -- the citizens of Detroit already invest and trust in you -- would have ability to expect your participation and your monitoring and assessment of whats going on in the process would bring back to them a trustworthy opinion of what the real deal is."
Council Member JoAnn Watson interrupted his speech, saying "Shame, shame."
"I'm shocked and stunned," she said. "You marched with me in Lansing against Public Act 4. ... There is no bifurcation. You either support Public Act 4 and its unconstitutional, undemocratic status or you're against this consent agreement."
Owens backtracked and said given the possible imposition of emergency manager, the Baptist Pastors would support an agreement that would keep elected officials in some kind of power.

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