Sunday, April 22, 2012

March on Lansing April 26 - REPEAL PA4

On Thursday, April 26 at 10 am the State Board of Canvassers meets to decide whether to certify the initiative to repeal Public Act 4, the Emergency Manager law. Once certification that 161,304 valid voter signatures are confirmed, PA 4 is suspended until the general election! The Detroit Consent Agreement, the Emergency Managers / dictators across the state lose their legal basis for existing.

The Board is composed of 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans. Three votes are needed (even if one is absent or recuses himself). So one Republican has to vote to certify. Snyder's allies are trying to challenge the certification with several bogus claims to give the two Republican Party board members a pretext to vote against the certification.

We are working with organizations that are interested in holding a picket protest in Lansing. Watch for additional information announced through this blog, our Twitter account, and Facebook page.

Several actions are called for:

  1. Let every elected official in Lansing, especially Republicans, know that you expect them to honor the intent of nearly a quarter million citizens to place this measure on the ballot and oppose schemes to undermine this citizen's referendum.
  2. Plan to be in Lansing as part of a statewide effort to hold the Board accountable for their vote. 
  3. Assist with logistics, pickets, gathering / spreading information.
  4. Organize with others to do the above. Commit to persistent & clear communication in this urgent situation.


One of the people in line to decide the fate of the referendum to challenge Michigan’s emergency manager law has a business interest in the outcome. Jeffrey Timmer is a partner at The Sterling Corporation and is a board member on the State Board of Canvassers. That’s the bipartisan panel that will make the initial ruling on the challenge.

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