Saturday, April 14, 2012

Protest: Saunteel Jenkins on April 14

Please be advised that a picket protest will occur outside the residence of Saunteel Jenkins on Saturday, April 14, 2012 beginning at 11am, ending near 1pm.

The location is east from Chene and on the left side of Robert Bradby Drive.

View CCD.Detroit in a larger map

This picket is not global in nature. It is specifically about Jenkins' vote to surrender Detroiters' right to elect their own representatives. Her yes vote to the consent agreement voided the vote and voice of the people.

Gary Brown, Saunteel Jenkins, Charles Pugh
photo: Diane Bukowski (Voice of Detroit)
Saunteel, your campaign slogan was "New Leadership, New Results". These are not the results the people of Detroit wish to see. It is a failure in leadership.

We need your active support and bodies on the picket line. Please bring an umbrella as it is supposed to rain....there is plenty of sidewalk area and parking.

Please make signs, and bring bull horns if you have them.

Please send this message to everyone, and every activist organization you know.

Photo reference: COUNCIL VOTES TO BUY 100% of CITY POWER from DTE, shut down Mistersky

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